“Women” series

About This Series

Series “Women” - Paper Mache with Persian Newspapers 1997-2000 (220 x 335 cm)

This series is a reaction to mandatory hijab in Iran, which became effective sometime after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. It deals with concepts like replication, duplication, uniformization, and losing individuality and identity.

On some of them, there are some paintings or drawings, and on most of them, there is a hand or the face of the artist - as a self-portrait - that has been used as a digital collage.

These works focus on the notions of woman, hijab, duplication, uniformization, compulsion, darkness, covering, and crumpling. There is also an emphasis on politics, language and culture, censorship, and abnormal social situations. The material for these works is Persian newspapers. 



  • DSC03958.JPG
  • IMG-2113.JPG
  • Women-1.jpg
  • Women-2.jpg